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Modern Slavery Statement 2022

At CBD Guide, we are committed to upholding ethical and responsible business practices. We recognize the importance of combatting modern slavery and human trafficking and are committed to ensuring that our business and supply chains are free from these practices.

Our Business

CBD Guide is a digital media company that provides educational content and reviews about CBD products. Our business operations are conducted solely within the United States, and we do not have any physical manufacturing or production facilities. We do, however, work with third-party suppliers and vendors to provide our services and products.

Our Supply Chains

We recognize that our supply chains have the potential to be vulnerable to modern slavery and human trafficking. As such, we take steps to ensure that our suppliers and vendors share our commitment to ethical and responsible business practices. We conduct due diligence on all potential suppliers and vendors, including those in our digital supply chain, to ensure that they meet our expectations.

We expect our suppliers and vendors to:

Provide safe and healthy working conditions for their employees
Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to labor practices and human rights
Prohibit the use of forced labor, including debt bondage and involuntary servitude
Prohibit the use of child labor
We require our suppliers and vendors to acknowledge and agree to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines our expectations regarding labor practices and human rights.

Our Employees

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for our employees. We do not engage in any form of modern slavery or human trafficking, and we require all employees to comply with our ethical business practices. We provide training and education to our employees to ensure that they are aware of our policies and their responsibilities.


We encourage all employees, suppliers, and vendors to report any suspected violations of our policies or any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking. Reports can be made anonymously and will be investigated promptly and thoroughly.

This statement is made in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and has been approved by our management team.

Date: April 15, 2023

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